Friday, December 28, 2012


Gingersky, if you would like to be in ThunderClan, please tell me what "other" thing you wanted to be.


  1. Hi There!
    Pippen here, or you may know me as Foxtail, from my warrior cat blog ^3^
    This is just a reminder that your part of the roleplay- so you can roleplay if you'd like! We've got many more awesome roleplayers who have joined Thunderclan, so you'll be able to play along with them!

    Also, you're are med cat! We need you!

  2. Hello I'm Sunleaf! I would like to be a warrior of Thunderclan,but if you have enough warriors,I will gladly take the position of medicine cat. I have amber eyes,Light brown fur with ginger patches,and white on the tip of my tail. I'm sweet,but also fierce when in battle.
